
New Year, New You!

Happy New Year!

525,600 minutes, that’s how many minutes are in a year (yes I sang the rent song while typing that) That’s how many minutes you get to decide what your next choice will be, what your next thought will be, and that choice or thought is what can determine your life.

Now, obviously it’s not just one bad decision or one negative thought that gets us in trouble. It’s thousands of them, but it starts with one and once you let that first negative thought seep in, the next one comes so much easier, and the next one is even easier than that. Before you know it your automatic thought process is negative. This is such a hard place to be and an extremely deep pit to try to climb your way out of.

I have been working on this for TWO WHOLE YEARS, and I still have a lot of work to do. One thing I am working hard on this year is forgiveness. Not just other people which I am working on, but more importantly myself. I am so hard on myself, and quite frankly I’m mean. If I were my own friend I wouldn’t talk to me. I say things like you need to workout more, you need to eat better, you need to wake up earlier, you need to crochet more, you need to crochet less, you need to do better, you need to BE better. I bully myself, and then when I fail these goals I’m attempting just once… I have no patience, forgiveness or grace for myself. I feel like a failure and why even try.

I am done with this thought process, it has gotten me nowhere. I have a book I have been reading it’s called The Gift of imperfection by Brené Brown you can get it here. OH MY GOSH! This book has litereally changed my life, I reccomend it to everyone who is struggling with anything. My anxiety and the pressures that I have put on myself have just lifted. I have never felt as at peace as I do now and I have a lot of stress in my life, but thanks to God, and him puting this book in my life. I have a completely different look on life

My self confidence and self worth is finally coming from within and not just on any one who wants to give me attention, my worth isn’t in my job, in saving someone from themselves, in my house, in my choices, it’s just in who I am.

So that’s where I am at. I have grown so much in the last couple of years, and I am very confident that this next year will be the best year of my life. One thing I’ve learned, though, is that God wants us to meet Him. Yes, He could snap his fingers and make me my goal weight, He could snap His fingers and solve all my problems, He could snap his fingers and give me the life I THINK I want. I think there are two reasons he doesn’t do that, though.

First, He wants us to rely on him. He wants us to learn. I don’t know about you, but if I made a mistake and it was just poof fixed I would probably just do the same stupid thing over and over again. I already struggle enough doing different stupid things, life’s to short to repeat them.

Second, it makes us better people, I can tell you right now God must be trying to teach me patience. Because everywhere I turn I’m just WAITING. If there’s anything I hate, anything at all it would be waiting. I don’t wait well, waiting is essentially me not being in control. Waiting when I don’t know the future is one of the hardest things for me, it requires so much faith and trust, and trust is also not something I do well. I don’t like to wait. I will say though I probably wouldn’t be in this situation if I had, in fact, waited.

So I may not have as much control over my life as I would like, but to quote the song patient by Apollo LTD “Help me to be okay with what I can’t change And remind me there’s meaning in the waiting “. While I’m waiting for God to show me his next plans for my life and trusting that what he has for me will be incredible. I am looking for the things I can do to make myself the person that I want to be.

One day, as I was just casually strolling through Pinterest which I love to do so much, I came across this checklist. (I love a good checklist)

How to change your life in 6 months! I have 6 months! I would love to change my life in 6 months, it’s not that far away, so I can totally stick to a plan for 6 months. In six months, I can reevaluate and possibly start this wonderful checklist over or again… find another one that fits my needs for the following 6 months. So, while reading through this list, I quickly became overwhelmed because I needed it to be organized differently. So, I made this one

This is way more managebale to me! So I ordered a this whiteboard on Amazon (good thing I haven’t started my budget yet), and I will be writing this checklist on my new whiteboard so I can check them off as I go. Today I deep cleaned my room and I feel so good. I am that much closer to the me I wanna be in 2025.

If you’re looking for a little guy to get you through the monkey business of 2025 check this guy out on Etsy.